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Author Topic: Quick buying advice would be appreciated  (Read 5286 times)

Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2010, 03:07:41 pm »
Thanks for the welcomes and replies!

Right, I have just returned from driving an ED30! It had DSG, which was great, but I sure I will be happy with the manual. Loved everything about it, although cannot comment on performance really, as I did not explore the DSG much.

However..... just a niggling doubt about the ride, seems too similar to my Impreza - a little choppy. Although it is difficult to be sure on a short test drive on unfamiliar roads. It might just be that it is firm but not fugutty like the Impreza?

Need to do some more thinking!

Offline Jase ED30

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2010, 03:19:17 pm »
I've come from 2 Scoobies (via a collection of BM's and other odds n sods)  to an Edition 30.

IMHO the car is a good compromise.

Will it have the grip and absolute power of the scooby? Nope.
Is it more comfortable? Well, it's more comfortable than the scoobies I had.
Is it easy to drive through town? Mines a joy (DSG)
Does it have the running costs of the Scooby? Nope. Insurance much lower and if you drive in the same way I reckon you'll save a good chunk at the pumps too.

That said, the ride is still on the firm side. I think it's fine you have to remember that this is a sporting car on a similar size platform to the Scooby so it is still solid but it's more than acceptable. I do a 100-mile M25 commute and find it fine.  However, this is a personal thing. If you want a magic carpet ride go buy an S-Class Merc  :wink:

It doesn't attract the wrong attention either.

I'm one of those that wouldn't go back. I loved my Impreza's. I still love the sound of them and the way they drive but, in my opinion they've had their day in the sun. When I bought my first one they had a waiting list of over a year and were changing hands for more money second hand than new coss you just couldnt' get them. This kept the image strong and the cars were fantastic. There was nothing that gave anything like the bangs per buck in terms of performance. However things change. When I had the first one and people asked what I drove I'd get nods of approval and respect. Contrast that to their image today. That coupled with quicker hot hatches has shifted the balance in my opinion.

Or am I just getting old?  :wink:

Offline nc35

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2010, 07:05:57 pm »
That said, the ride is still on the firm side. I think it's fine you have to remember that this is a sporting car on a similar size platform to the Scooby so it is still solid but it's more than acceptable. I do a 100-mile M25 commute and find it fine.  However, this is a personal thing. If you want a magic carpet ride go buy an S-Class Merc  :wink:

It doesn't attract the wrong attention either.

I'm one of those that wouldn't go back. I loved my Impreza's. I still love the sound of them and the way they drive but, in my opinion they've had their day in the sun. When I bought my first one they had a waiting list of over a year and were changing hands for more money second hand than new coss you just couldnt' get them. This kept the image strong and the cars were fantastic. There was nothing that gave anything like the bangs per buck in terms of performance. However things change. When I had the first one and people asked what I drove I'd get nods of approval and respect. Contrast that to their image today. That coupled with quicker hot hatches has shifted the balance in my opinion.

Or am I just getting old?  :wink:

Couldn't have written it better.  I did love my Scooby when I first got it and the one after that.  But now I think they are for Chavs and a younger generation. Except the new one looks more like a Ford Focus (to me) and appeals once again.

Yep I am getting and feeling old too  :signLOL:

Depending on what you have to spend, a used M3 would be quite high on my list.  And deffo the S3.  I just don't like the Audi 3 series interior espcially the dash with the "two tittie" air vents.  Just my taste.

From a 4WD the S3 would be my choice over the ED30 (but I only have a GTI with DSG).  Round town I think the GTI is better than the ED30 - feels quicker and more responsive to me.  (Ducking for cover) But I only had an ED30 for a couple of days.

What ever you get GTI, ED30 or S3 you will not be disappointed.
No Golf anymore. 
Enjoyed the last five years of ownership of Mk5 & 6 GTIs.
Plus an excellent forum for knowledge and new ways to deplete the bank account.
Thank You Everyone.

Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2010, 08:48:53 pm »
Again, thanks - I tend to agree with the replies regarding the Impreza. I too had a classic from new, and therefore remember the long waiting lists too!

Just a shame I couldn't find manual to test, as I could not feel how laggy it might be around town. I am assuming that it won't be as much as the Impreza.....

Really swaying towards the Golf now, especially after considering the £435 road tax that will be due soon, and the factory tracker yearly subs etc. The Golf will be cheaper on tax, and free servicing for two years.

I assume that my Blackberry would work with the Bluetooth - searched for a compatalibity list with no success.

I did consider the A3, but it would be older for my budget and I really need a 5 door as I have a newborn!

Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2010, 08:16:56 pm »
Right, thats it - accepted offer on the Subaru today, going to view and hopefully pick up the ED30 on Friday!

Thanks again to all, and I will update this thread after Friday.

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2010, 09:31:21 pm »
Right, thats it - accepted offer on the Subaru today, going to view and hopefully pick up the ED30 on Friday!

Thanks again to all, and I will update this thread after Friday.

No need to update this thread. once you have your car, we need loads of pics in your members ride thread.  :jumpmove:

Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2010, 08:58:19 pm »
Hi all

Well, just returned from a mammoth trip to Devon, and I am now the proud owner of a Dec 2008 ED30! Really very impressed so far, and exactly what I was looking for in every way! I will post a review shortly. In the meantime, just a few more questions I am affraid!

I have a very slight noise when taking up drive (like a rumble), but no vibration at all - any ideas?
Very slight noise when braking at speed, but again, no vibration...
Any tyre recommendations? Comfort is high on my list - Michelin Pilot Sport 3's?
The user manual for the sat nav rns510 is missing - will try my local dealer, but would someone be willing to copy one for me - I'll pay for your time and postage.
What is the best way of getting the Edition 30 plaque?

Thanks for your help!

Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2010, 09:11:58 pm »
Sorry, just one more! Can OEM Bluetooth be retrofitted - I have the rns510


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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2010, 10:09:21 pm »
Nice one,  Good to hear your enjoying the car, now get some pictures posted up in the members rides section.

With reagrds to the Q's
Bluetooth can be retro fitted with the RNS510, number of options are available.  all are discussed in the modifications and techncail area of the forum.

The are lots of threads about the plaques for the Ed30 along with the other Q's you have? search function is your friend and there is lots of great advice on here, there is a huge number of very knowledgable individuals on this forum. :happy2:

Here's a link to a pdf of the manual for the RNS510  :happy2:

Once again welcome to the mad house  :laugh: :laugh:  now get some pics up  :party:
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Offline GE90

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2010, 07:21:42 pm »
Great, thanks - I'll give the search function a good working!

This might be a strange question, but must the sat nav DVD stay in while it is operating, or can the maps be copied over in some way?

Thanks again!

Offline rdfcpete

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2010, 07:26:16 pm »
ooh me first up....not sure about the ed30 but my gti is a joy wherever i am i town twisties and esp short straight roads where i can burst and oveertake almost anything i wanna :evilgrin:
and if its fully loaded then yessireeeeeeeee!#

This is the point as Matsu describes, the GTI/Ed30's may not be the absolute best in certain situations, but as an all rounder it will never let you down. In my opinion it's still the best hot hatch to live with and will leave you smiling  :smiley:

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Offline Thor

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Re: Quick buying advice would be appreciated
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2010, 08:57:27 pm »
Great, thanks - I'll give the search function a good working!

This might be a strange question, but must the sat nav DVD stay in while it is operating, or can the maps be copied over in some way?

Thanks again!

You can upload new maps onto the HDD in the RNS510, just pop the disc in and it will do the rest.  The latest maps are  Version 6.

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Offline GE90

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