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Author Topic: Who still uses main dealers to service and maintain their little pride and joy??  (Read 5366 times)

Offline amanda

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Was trying to see if I could get a poll going for the above but I cannot seem to find one!!!! :fighting:

So as they say.........for the sh*ts n giggles let’s see if anyone does  :signLOL:

Well I do!!!!!

And I know someone else does but wether he will admit to it is another question  :thinking:

Offline Dogma

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I do

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MK5 ED30

Offline rich83

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Not used a main dealer for years.

Offline pudding

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I did until my service book ran out of space last year.  I think that's enough dealer servicing for a 12 year old car  :smiley:   I do everything myself now using dealer parts only.  Well, I always did the big jobs myself anyway but having a 'limited edition' I thought it prudent to keep service stamps up......but I don't think that matters past 100K tbh.  100K still is and will always be a mental barrier for 99% of used car buyers.  Even if you could demonstrate a team of VW engineers from Germany flew over and personally mollycoddled your car every would make no difference in terms of resale value.  All people care about is mileage, in spite of it not being a reliable measure of condition.

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Offline sprint_48

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I used VW in Cirencester once with my first Mk5 GTI, but discovered a few days later they had cracked my engine cover!  The ‘free valet’ was s**t as well.  Not been back since.

Offline terrier

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Not used a main dealer for years.
Same here. Only been to dealers once in 12 years for a warranty issue. Do my own work, servicing, replacing and repairing. Just as long as the net doesn't get switched off Ill be OK :smiley:

Offline pudding

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I used VW in Cirencester once with my first Mk5 GTI, but discovered a few days later they had cracked my engine cover!  The ‘free valet’ was s**t as well.  Not been back since.

Yep, because they yank the cover off like a deranged Orangutan when the engine is cold instead of lifting it off a hot engine gently.  Demand they replace it.  A nice £450+VAT lesson for them.  Knobbers.   Yep VW valets are sh*te and I always decline them.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D


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Serviced myself, my local place doesn't do everything you ask and obviously would never take a "free valet".

My daily is getting serviced by them, £40 for two oil changes so I'll be providing the oil and instructing them not to wash it


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Considering their prices and how much less a local garage (with a more pleasant and easy to deal with mechanic) is, I'd use local garages every time.

Offline Llljonlll

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No never, did take my partners car to get her chain changed on a mazda 6 as they actually did not quote much more,

Offline Adrian 200bhp

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Never used a main dealer. Find a local garage  that specialises in ypur make of car and read its reviews and if all good use that one. Will save you buckets of cash.

Offline pudding

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Yeah but price up an indie that uses GENUINE parts (not GSF/Eurocarparts pattern crap), and offers the same 2 year parts warranty, vs dealer.....and indie stamps have nowhere the near the same weight as a dealer stamp when it comes to resale.

It comes down to how much your time is worth.  I can do what garages do myself easily, and to a better standard, but can I be arsed? Not always.  I'd rather pay a dealer 50 quid to flush my brake fluid through.  I hate brakes and can't be fagged with that sh1t.  Good value to me.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline bobby_fodge

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Yeah but price up an indie that uses GENUINE parts (not GSF/Eurocarparts pattern crap), and offers the same 2 year parts warranty, vs dealer.....and indie stamps have nowhere the near the same weight as a dealer stamp when it comes to resale.

It comes down to how much your time is worth.  I can do what garages do myself easily, and to a better standard, but can I be arsed? Not always.  I'd rather pay a dealer 50 quid to flush my brake fluid through.  I hate brakes and can't be fagged with that sh1t.  Good value to me.

I've got a brake bleeder kit that cost £60. I've used that on my daily, my Mum's Ka and partner's Yaris. If i didn't have these other cars to use it on and access to a ramp I wouldn't have bothered buying it and would have just taken it to my mate who own's a garage. I like knowing the work has been done to a good standard so I prefer to do it myself or take it where I stand next to the ramp and watch my mate do the work. I've have some terrible experiences with main dealers from different brands and I don't care about a dealer stamp/receipt, i care that the work has been carried out properly.