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Author Topic: Maf fault/wiring help:/  (Read 875 times)

Offline Shezz99

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Maf fault/wiring help:/
« on: October 28, 2020, 09:34:45 am »
Right guys after about of tech advice? I’ve got the Ecu warning light on the dash of my mk5 golf gti.
After a scan it’s saying it’s the maf, I’ve replaced the maf and cleared the fault buts it’s come back. I’ve took a vault meter to the plug and seems like I’ve got no 12v power. I’ve got 5v from yellow wire, nothing from brown as I guess this is ground and from what I understand the black should have 12v.
However anyone know where the black wire goes and why there’s no power? I can’t seem to see a fuse for it anywhere? Or any wiring diagrams
Any advice would be appreciated👍🏻