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Author Topic: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts  (Read 15751 times)

Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2019, 03:26:23 pm »
Hi Guys would appreciate some advice/confirmation :thinking: :thinking:

OK so have a couple of  CDLunits I am looking at

First is a 2011 8P S3 CDL  with only 38k. Got the reg of the car its been pulled from and the mileage all checks out via MOT checks on .Gov website
Comes complete with everything minus DSG box & Flywheel & engine Loom (has ECU)
I assume I can use my existing DSG & Flywheel? Also, you mentioned that my BWA ECU/Loom will be ok but will need the s/w changing to K04? Will the car still run well enough to get to R-tech and just be on the existing map (Revo STG2) but for a K03??

Second is a 2013 Scirocco R 30k miles. The guy has agreed to split the DSG & Flywheel and sell me the complete unit, ECU/loom and all ancillaries.

The only issue is the mileage cant be verified other than the engine looking extremely clean and worthy of only having dome 30k miles.

Again assuming my DSG & Flywheel will mate to this ok?

If I buy this would the engine ECU/loom be needed or again could I use my existing?

One other thing. If, and it's a big if, I ask him to supply the DSG box/flywheel as well, would I then need the engine loom/ECU from the Scirocco, or will my ECU/Loom work?

I'll be selling my BWA engine so ideally wan to keep as much of that together as I can, but also want to weigh up costs as if it means using my DSG/Flywheel/CU/Loom is more cost-effective then I'll need to seriously consider this

Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2019, 10:30:00 am »
Hi, chaps,
Been pissed about by several engine sellers, and to be honest can't be arsed with this, so going to simply go for a K04 conversion on my existing BWA engine. I've sourced the majority of the parts over the course of yesterday including a fully reconditioned Borg Warner K04-0064 turbo. Purchased the upgraded I/C and going to also change the A/C condenser as its pretty mullered!!! The only items I've yet to purchase are the injectors. I am looking at a brand new set which albeit are not cheap I'm considering these unless I can source a used set. Can anyone advise if these are the correct injectors?


Offline muff1991

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2019, 02:38:22 pm »
Hi, chaps,
Been pissed about by several engine sellers, and to be honest can't be arsed with this, so going to simply go for a K04 conversion on my existing BWA engine. I've sourced the majority of the parts over the course of yesterday including a fully reconditioned Borg Warner K04-0064 turbo. Purchased the upgraded I/C and going to also change the A/C condenser as its pretty mullered!!! The only items I've yet to purchase are the injectors. I am looking at a brand new set which albeit are not cheap I'm considering these unless I can source a used set. Can anyone advise if these are the correct injectors?

Hey Louie, I don't blame you mate.. some of those breakers are a nightmare! Just K04 your well looked after BWA then. As long as you don't push the limits tooo much you'll be ok. And R-tech will not push the boundary's unless you really want them too, they will set it to a safe margin (or as safe ish as they can) to protect you, your car and there rep!
Yes those injectors are the correct ones.. and buying new (if you can afford it) will definitely be your best/safest option! It will also save you all the hassle of sending them off to be tested/cleaned etc.
I'm almost sure you're aware of R-techs info page about the K04 conversion but here's the link anyway:
plenty of talk / guides / advice etc. to be had all over the internet on this. Take your time, gather the parts, set a weekend aside and enjoy the build. might be worth booking in with R-tech sooner rather than later once you know roughly when the work will be completed, as I've heard R-tech are always fully booked and can take aaaggess to get a space.
Good luck  :laugh:

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Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2019, 12:13:35 pm »
No worries mate
Went with the Brand New Bosch set which same as S3-8P. Didn't want to risk it :slap:. Got all parts ordered except VIS HPFP internals, as Ovidiu is on hols and back on 6th Aug. Tried booking car in at R-Tech yesterday, but Ben is on hols and back Monday, so i'll be calling him then to get booked in, probably in Sept as they are slammed and also will give me time to do the conversion :jumpmove: :congrats: :jumpmove:

Offline ljc19630

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K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #36 on: September 19, 2019, 09:34:29 am »
Finally the converted K03 to K04 GTi is going on the Dyno :congrats: :congrats: - Been a bit of a wait due to a number of reasons, but hopefully all go's well today and i collect on Saturday :jumpmove:

« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 09:39:29 am by ljc19630 »

Offline muff1991

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2019, 11:16:02 am »
fingers crossed mate.. exciting  :laugh:

Offline bobby_fodge

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2019, 11:27:49 am »
we'd enjoy a good update when you get it back please.

Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2019, 12:50:53 pm »
Of Course - will post up an overview of all the work done and the improvements. Should be a fun drive back from R-Tech to West Sussex :driver: :grin:

Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2019, 06:01:32 pm »
Hi all
What a perfect day I’ve had. Nice easy train journey to Nuneaton, collected at the station by Ben from R-Tech in my own car!! Had an initial drive back to the garage. Christ what a difference
It pulls like a train from around 3k and keeps pulling right up to 7k. I didn’t really know the roads, hence was hesitant of going to mad. However Ben did say that my GTI was one of the most solid cars they had in with 132k Miles!!! Just goes to show they can be used, but if looked after will go on forever.
Anyway the journey back was interesting. Had a few sorties on M40. From 70-140 there is a massive Tq change and the power is linear, and not a big woosh. Really good to drive and the milly R32 zorst has a deeper and a tad quieter tone than the Maxton back box I had. Going our now for a blast around my area and will be interesting to see the difference on roads I know especially a certain Loooooong straight where normally I get up to 140, but have a feeling I’ll surpass that easily

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Offline v4rley

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2019, 08:07:30 pm »
Fantastic news. What was your final figures?

Offline ljc19630

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2019, 08:24:55 pm »
351hp/379tq - Been our earlier and with my son. He had driven the car before the conversion. My god, NO LAG whatsoever and it’s totally transformed the car. 70-110 is blisteringly quick, and as I said before it pulls and pulls. Our “test” road was quiet so we drove the car to its max. Normally hit 140 before braking, but we were well over 150 tonight. The Golf R brakes worked excellently. It’s not a 11 year old car with 132k, BUT IT IS. I’m truly amazed at this little car. Had loads of 60-70k cars, but this one is not only a keeper, but a special car to me

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Offline muff1991

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2019, 11:20:38 pm »
Congrats Louie, nice to hear it’s finally done and you’re over the moon! Been waiting for this post for a while and now the times come I’m pleased for you. Really nice of them to meet you at the station etc not many places would do that would they! I know these conversions are something ballistic as my cousin done it to his last year, I couldn’t judge truly on the R-tech version but as for the way they pull... oh yeah I can truly relate! They’re animals. I’ve always read a lot on the TFSI engines and there reliability, my cousins let go and dropped a cylinder at 216k. Now for half of its life it was mapped and yeah let’s be honest, given death! So it’s hardly surprising but at the same time it lasted pretty well if you ask me. The K04 conversion is something I’d like to do myself at some point. Well done for sticking with it mate and getting it done. A lot of people don’t pursue due to the work involved or the hassle of obtaining all the bits.
I guess it’s safe to say too.. another happy R-tech customer
Well done Louie

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Offline bobby_fodge

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Re: K03 to K04 upgrade - Options and thoughts
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2019, 11:20:53 pm »
Have you got a diff?