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Anyone have issues with filling their fuel tanks to the brim?

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--- Quote from: Greenouse on January 02, 2009, 08:30:30 pm ---Never heard of this problem, and yes I always brim it until the second click!  :happy2:

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....You're already The Rim King and now you want to be The Brim King :evilgrin:

I only fill mine when I'm under a quarter-tank full and do so according to a quantity - Usually just over 30 litres, which maximises my V-Power points as they view 30 litres+ as an average full tank and award bonus points. I seem to get about 3 free tankfuls of V-Power per year - Every bit helps.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on January 03, 2009, 06:18:31 pm ---[- Every bit helps.

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Indeedi !   I recommend the Shell Mastercard too - triple points at Shell garages (giving 3% cashback)    :evilgrin:

+ the V-Power card points as well  :happy2:


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on January 02, 2009, 10:45:36 pm ---Where is this "wee button" keith?? never noticed it  :confused:

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Not all cars come with them, its normally inside the flap in a wee groove.  ooh er misses :rolleye:

I have brimmed mine a couple of times only to come back and find about a litre of fuel dumped on the floor after paying ... I now don't brim it !


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