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Clutch pedal sticking *solved*

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I have a 08' GTI, and the clutch started sticking, is 08' considered to be a newer GTI, or could this be a fix for my clutch sticking as well?
If not, any ideas what could cause the sticking.


--- Quote from: jussigti on December 21, 2021, 08:19:58 pm ---I have a 08' GTI, and the clutch started sticking, is 08' considered to be a newer GTI, or could this be a fix for my clutch sticking as well?
If not, any ideas what could cause the sticking.

--- End quote ---

Did you try this fix in the end? Mines a 2008 and has the sticky clutch. New master and slave cylinder fitted with no luck.

For what it’s worth - the shim kit fixed mine for a year or so - and when it returned it transpired to be because of ancient brake fluid in the clutch line. Perfect ever since a proper bleed through.

Has anyone had this issue where its not the shims and the master cylinder is new alongside new fluid and a braided hose?

Hey @svvg, apologies for reviving this ancient thread but I wondered if you could help with your experience.

I've had the exact same symptoms, discussed in my post here. In essence, sticking after right turns only, did a shim fix which lasted for 1000km, I've now tried to insert a second shim but there was no play and no room to get the second shim in.

I've checked for crankshaft end float (nothing that I could see), and there's no scratches visible on the flywheel with the sump removed.

I have had the brake fluid changed for racing fluid earlier this year but I assume the bleed didn't involve the clutch bleed valve (the clutch issue still appeared on track, and the pedal stuck for as much as 1.5 seconds after the hardest right turn), so from your experience would you say that's the next best thing to do?

Cheers  :smiley:


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