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Author Topic: Good test to check bad console bushes on lower wishbones.  (Read 1115 times)

Offline monk180

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Good test to check bad console bushes on lower wishbones.
« on: August 10, 2019, 11:08:51 pm »

I think I have come up with a way to check bad, lower wishbone front, rear or "console bushes"

I stuck a straight bit of thin plastic on to the wing, pointing down to the ground over the wheel. That went over the VW badge in the middle of wheel. Imagine fixing a 1 meter ruler pointing down.

Then, I set up a camera, so car is square on, braking at full force when parallel with the camera. And the VW badge does move back past past the plastic,  so must be at least half inch of travel.

The bushes must deflect when the whole weight of car is loaded onto them in heavy braking. But not as much as 1/2 inch?

They need replacing anyway, as garage suggested, but at least was a fun test.