So over the weekend the keys to my car were stolen

and I am unsure exactly how to go about securing the car...
I have the spare key so I can use the car myself, but the main concern - obviously - is that someone out there has the other key and could also access the vehicle. How would you go about sorting this?
As a temporary measure, I have removed Fuse 1 from the fuse box by the drivers door which seems to prevent the engine from running (it will start, but konk out after 2 secs) - not sure what the fuse is for but it's removal seems to have the desired effect for this purpose

I've got quotes to replace locks at 250 + VAT and replacement key circa 200 + VAT, so to have everything changed over is going to cost a fair bit. Though, I am wondering if the car could somehow be programmed to reject the stolen key and I can carry on using the one I have in my possession?
Apologies if this is a stupid question, I've never had this issue before and the stuff I am reading online about key coding etc etc is quite confusing.