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Saint Steve:
Echo everyones comments, was a good day, and nice to see the friendly bunch including not mentioned Rich, Thor (chris) Nick( NB07)and their better halfs i must say :laugh:.

Gave Phylis a rest as JoesGTi chicken'd out today  :P :P

.......had son in toe so went to spectate and tried to challenge Chris (Thor) to a "Who can eat the most Pie and Chips" and safe to say i lost  :wink: but i have to draw the line when it comes to mushy pea's :laugh:.

Had a great trip up with Mr hedge in his new overnight moddified Edition30 which has now gained a canny resemblence to an R32and now has a 3.2 up the front!. :grin:

Got Wind Burn once again so face is looking very Red currently!!

jabbas car looked kitted out from what i could see.. stripped interior with one cordeiba? race seat, twintake, miltek exhaust and it had some td 1.3s i think with huge r888s  along with those rather nice vwr brakes

did anyone see the jetcar before the lunch break?

omg was incredible the noise was deafening and then it ran a 5sec 1/4mile at 279  :rolleye:

great to see every one had a nice time even the misses enjoyed herself! the funny car was awesome 0-300mph in 5 seconds! i took loads of really good photos and got some brilliant videos that we just watched on the telly, then i put the card into my SD reader thingy and managed to delete them all, to say im a bit pissed off is an understatement  :sad1:

i got a 13.400 and terminal of 110. something

I was there in spirit, Pity I couldn't have actually been there. :sad1:

Hats off to Jabbalad, NB07 and GTI James for some great times.



--- Quote from: NB07 on April 11, 2010, 06:37:39 pm ---put the card into my SD reader thingy and managed to delete them all, to say im a bit pissed off is an understatement.

--- End quote ---
Don't use the SD card until you have downloaded something like handy recovery. I use this to get the files.


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