It was a really good day...lots of nice motors... Good to catch up with some of the forum members and have a friendly natter.

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed with my run times though... best I got was 14.2969 (100.98 mph). I was hoping for better times. Since the last visit back in March 09 I've had a HPFP, IC, and Stage 2+ remap.
Considering the changes and money spent it's seems like a very small (if any) improvement over the original 14.5.

I also found it was hard to engage the launch mode this time round...has anyone had similar experiences?
On most occasions I would need to press the pedal a few times for the car to decide it had to rev over 1000 rpm. Is that normal? Can't seem to recollect that happening last time round.
Is it just me or does the stage 2+ remap also remove the red line times my car was at 7000 rpm. Not that it was complaining

Just goes to show there is a real art to this... and I really need to further reduce wheel hop and increase traction. Really need some guidance here... all I seem to be doing was spinning my wheels in 1st and 2nd.