And here’s an up to date picture of mine seeing as I haven’t been on here in ages!

Can I have first dibs on the Speedlines if you sell it?

I considered upgrading to a MK7.5 (R or GTI PP) a while ago but test drives left me underwhelmed. The perceived quality is definitely an improvement on the MK5, but the driving dynamics are worse. Trains and cruise ships have more steering feel! You can modify the hell out of MK7s but the base platform has to be significant jump up from the previous model before I sign on the dotted line, and it just isn't....imo.
As for other cars, it depends on your parking space, daily commutes, performance and handling requirements, seating requirements etc etc. Golfs do it all so well, hence why they get under your skin so much and are consequently so hard to move on from

Maybe LS swap an E46 M3. Give it some torque and piss off the purists