Timpy X - you're not wrong fella. It's always the way isn't it. Force something onto the public and fix the ignored/unforseen consequences afterwards.
What makes me laugh is the bullsh1t range of electric cars quoted by manufacturers. We've moved from ridiculously optimistic mpg figures for fossil fuelled cars to even more ridiculous electric car ranges

Case in point - VW ID3 with the 56KWH battery. VW/WLTP quote of 261 mile range, reality = 180ish miles

What electric car pushers aren't telling the general public is - they are woefully uneconomical over winter and on motorways. Cold temperatures and high speed annihilates battery life.....plus HVAC etc on top of that

As amusing and accelerative as electric cars are, they are nowhere near viable as a replacement to fossil fuelled cars, unless you are a 100% city dweller. People are too accustomed to pulling over, filling up in 5 minutes, grabbing a Ginsters pasty and carrying on with their journey. Who wants to queue for a Supercharger space and then sit there for an hour, minimum, refuelling a battery? Sod that. Well, I suppose you could kill that hour by shagging yours or someone else's missus in the back seat, but if you're on a business meeting and need to be places.....it just doesn't work!
Home charging overnight is pretty much useless as well unless you pay a lot of money to the National Grid for a high voltage circuit.
OldGTI - Glad to hear you're a diligent chap

There's no reason why a GTI shouldn't last well past 200K if you put the preventative maintenance in.
As you say, driving enjoyment and carefree ownership are important factors as enthusiasts. A few years ago, there was no way I would ever buy a Golf R or a BMW 140i as hooded hoodlums would almost be guaranteed to bust your back door in looking for the keys. Who needs that kind of anxiety over a car?
That's where a nice MK5 slots in quite nicely. It's off the thieves radar being low value and slow (by current standards, for a getaway car) and the wider public ignore it because it's not some stupid, obnoxious, boutique, crass and pointless SUV that everyone has a hard-on for these days. It just merely exists for those in the know, which is great

It's 80% of a newer Golf and 100% classless, as you say

It still makes me chuckle when some compost salesman in his Audi A4 diesel tries to push me and my 13 year old Golf out of the way.....ha.....try that again fella

What age 911 do you have sir? If it's a classic, I'm guessing 964 or older? I drove a 993 3.6 VarioRam (widebody import) many moons ago and to me, it felt like the metaphorical glove. Perfectly sized and powered for quick UK B road progress. The steering feel and structural integrity were something else. 911s are very stout cars