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Author Topic: Next car after your MK5 GTI?  (Read 18761 times)

Offline Joshy

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2020, 11:22:10 pm »
I sold my ED30 and bought myself an M4 :happy2:

Offline Mekaniko

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2020, 09:00:20 am »
I sold my ED30 and bought myself an M4 :happy2:

Respect!! Good choice!

For me if possible next will be a Cupra Mk3 or GTI MK7 PP.

Offline probedb

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2020, 08:58:20 am »
No plans as yet. Might get another RX7 as a weekend car, wish I'd never sold mine as they've shot up in value .

Offline pudding

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2020, 05:06:37 am »
I'm keeping the ED30 until full electric cars are more affordable/feasible, because let's face it, petrol and diesel are done.  Nothing beats the accelerative forces and cleanliness of full electric.

German cars have become so generic and bland, with the same corporate template buttered across every bl00dy car they make, which have absolutely zero charisma or ownership appeal.  They're just over-priced boutique Gucci handbags now.  Such a shame really as BMW and Audi used to make some properly good cars.

Over the next 10-15 years, I predict a big market in electric conversions because there are simply too many cars to 'scrap'.  Every ICE car is already well prepared for electric conversion.  Motors in place of the engine and battery pack in place of the fuel tank.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline chimp400

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2020, 06:44:04 am »
I think I’d get an RS3 if they were more reasonably priced but they do divide opinions.
They are a bit mundane looking but sound fantastic, not worth the premium though in my opinion.
The M cars are nice but I’m not that attracted to high power Rwd.

Offline FatWelshBoy

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2020, 08:14:40 am »
Probably the new BMW 1 series with an engine focused more on economy than power. I think the Ed30 will be my last 300+ bhp car, too many mobile speed cameras and average speed cameras around now. Having had a Mk7.5 R before the Ed30 and after seeing the Mk8 Golf in the flesh I definitely won't be getting another Golf.

Offline OldGTI

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2020, 09:26:08 pm »
I have had a few people tell me they had either loved or wish they had never sold their mk5 gti. I think they are a hard one to move on from.

Offline vwmike1991

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2020, 08:58:47 pm »
Easy decision for me I'm afraid, BMW 335D or 340I MSport Shadow Edt estate.

Would sell both my MK7 R and the MK5 at the same time to fund the purchase but having come from a 330D I miss nearly dying every time it rains and smack me for saying this but as far as newer cars go from personal experience they are pretty reliable/tough as old boots.

Need something practical, comfortable, reasonable on running costs and f**ing fast to replace both.

Throw in the MK8 looks like arse and is built worse than a KIA I'm gonna say with a degree of confidence that the current pair will be my last venture into Volkswagen. Unless work offer me a dirt cheap Touareg 286 on lease :) chance should be a fine thing ...

Offline OllieL

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Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2020, 10:15:28 am »
I'm keeping the ED30 until full electric cars are more affordable/feasible, because let's face it, petrol and diesel are done.  Nothing beats the accelerative forces and cleanliness of full electric.

German cars have become so generic and bland, with the same corporate template buttered across every bl00dy car they make, which have absolutely zero charisma or ownership appeal.  They're just over-priced boutique Gucci handbags now.  Such a shame really as BMW and Audi used to make some properly good cars.

Over the next 10-15 years, I predict a big market in electric conversions because there are simply too many cars to 'scrap'.  Every ICE car is already well prepared for electric conversion.  Motors in place of the engine and battery pack in place of the fuel tank.
I’m the same.
My Pirelli will hopefully be my last Petrol powered daily before a full electric car.

We currently have 2 x MK5’s as our daily’s, (with the last 5 of 6 cars all being MK5 platform cars).

Good looks, great performance and easy upgrade to CarPlay etc means that for this kind of money they can’t be beaten.

Unless I wanted to buy a MK7.5 PP/ 140M I can’t see anything else I’d fancy, and I just don’t see the smiles vs £‘s beating what I get from my MK5

An electric conversion MK5 would be great too, although it would have to offer similar performance to a K04 powered MK5 to consider it

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Offline pudding

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2020, 06:23:28 pm »
I'm keeping the ED30 until full electric cars are more affordable/feasible, because let's face it, petrol and diesel are done.  Nothing beats the accelerative forces and cleanliness of full electric.

German cars have become so generic and bland, with the same corporate template buttered across every bl00dy car they make, which have absolutely zero charisma or ownership appeal.  They're just over-priced boutique Gucci handbags now.  Such a shame really as BMW and Audi used to make some properly good cars.

Over the next 10-15 years, I predict a big market in electric conversions because there are simply too many cars to 'scrap'.  Every ICE car is already well prepared for electric conversion.  Motors in place of the engine and battery pack in place of the fuel tank.
I’m the same.
My Pirelli will hopefully be my last Petrol powered daily before a full electric car.

We currently have 2 x MK5’s as our daily’s, (with the last 5 of 6 cars all being MK5 platform cars).

Good looks, great performance and easy upgrade to CarPlay etc means that for this kind of money they can’t be beaten.

Unless I wanted to buy a MK7.5 PP/ 140M I can’t see anything else I’d fancy, and I just don’t see the smiles vs £‘s beating what I get from my MK5

An electric conversion MK5 would be great too, although it would have to offer similar performance to a K04 powered MK5 to consider it

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The only thing preventing long term MK5 ownership is rust unfortunately, but quite honestly, there is nothing out there I would trade my ED30 in for - obvious lottery win cars aside.

That isn't down to nostalgia or bias, but just nothing appeals to me in the marketplace at the moment.

You could break down many options and try to justify them to yourself, but how much of it is just down to boredom?  How much faster point-to-point, realistically, is a £50K modern hatch compared to a GTI?  Probably mere seconds.  Worth all that outlay for that?  God no.

The only cars that have piqued my interest in the last few years is the Supra and one of the fast Teslas, P100D or something......but I don't like either enough to part with that sort of money.

Maybe a modest advancement to a MK6 R, or even a MK7 R if you can stomach the blandness of it's styling?  Still familiar cars like a comfy old couch that's been in the family for years, but with some extra accoutrements.

An electric converted MK5 would be a LOT faster than a petrol one with the right components, plus you can fit a motor at each end for 4WD.

The government have made a pledge to ban all fossil fuel cars (new sales) from 2030, which leaves millions of cars either destined for one massive, inconceivable, unmanageable scrap heap - or conversion to electric.  I can't see that 2030 ban sticking to be honest.  I think it's just virtue signalling. They have put zero thought into the MAHOOOOSIVE electrical demands on the power stations, and about the same lack of thought into the thousands of charging stations required.

Anyway, keep the GTI.  It's more than capable of sticking with modern stuff and putting a smile on your face  :happy2:

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline Timpy X

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2020, 07:47:39 pm »
The government plan on banning cars that only burn fossil fuels by 2030 which as you said I can't see that happening myself tbh, we don't have the infrastructure to do that right now but it may mean a huge increase in fuel prices, its a massive shame really but electric cars have come on leaps and bounds but I still don't think they are going to be practical for long journeys, I personally think it's a money making scheme to get people to buy in to electric cars and if you need to go on a long journey your only choice then is to use public transport, ie train or a long haul coach bcos your electric car will not make it on a single charge, or as we're all petrol heads here probably not even to the boundarys of your county if your giving it some😂, I've only owned my mk5 for just over a year but its been laid up in a garage for months as covid has f*cked my life up so much I haven't been able to drive it, it's probably the best car I've owned, I've had mk4 gti's, civic type r, a mk1 land rover discovery (don't get me started on that) mk5 is by far the best all round car I have ever owned and I would have loved an edition 30 like yours but my budget just couldn't stretch that far

Offline OldGTI

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2020, 09:32:36 pm »
I'm keeping the ED30 until full electric cars are more affordable/feasible, because let's face it, petrol and diesel are done.  Nothing beats the accelerative forces and cleanliness of full electric.

German cars have become so generic and bland, with the same corporate template buttered across every bl00dy car they make, which have absolutely zero charisma or ownership appeal.  They're just over-priced boutique Gucci handbags now.  Such a shame really as BMW and Audi used to make some properly good cars.

Over the next 10-15 years, I predict a big market in electric conversions because there are simply too many cars to 'scrap'.  Every ICE car is already well prepared for electric conversion.  Motors in place of the engine and battery pack in place of the fuel tank.
I’m the same.
My Pirelli will hopefully be my last Petrol powered daily before a full electric car.

We currently have 2 x MK5’s as our daily’s, (with the last 5 of 6 cars all being MK5 platform cars).

Good looks, great performance and easy upgrade to CarPlay etc means that for this kind of money they can’t be beaten.

Unless I wanted to buy a MK7.5 PP/ 140M I can’t see anything else I’d fancy, and I just don’t see the smiles vs £‘s beating what I get from my MK5

An electric conversion MK5 would be great too, although it would have to offer similar performance to a K04 powered MK5 to consider it

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The only thing preventing long term MK5 ownership is rust unfortunately, but quite honestly, there is nothing out there I would trade my ED30 in for - obvious lottery win cars aside.

That isn't down to nostalgia or bias, but just nothing appeals to me in the marketplace at the moment.

You could break down many options and try to justify them to yourself, but how much of it is just down to boredom?  How much faster point-to-point, realistically, is a £50K modern hatch compared to a GTI?  Probably mere seconds.  Worth all that outlay for that?  God no.

The only cars that have piqued my interest in the last few years is the Supra and one of the fast Teslas, P100D or something......but I don't like either enough to part with that sort of money.

Maybe a modest advancement to a MK6 R, or even a MK7 R if you can stomach the blandness of it's styling?  Still familiar cars like a comfy old couch that's been in the family for years, but with some extra accoutrements.

An electric converted MK5 would be a LOT faster than a petrol one with the right components, plus you can fit a motor at each end for 4WD.

The government have made a pledge to ban all fossil fuel cars (new sales) from 2030, which leaves millions of cars either destined for one massive, inconceivable, unmanageable scrap heap - or conversion to electric.  I can't see that 2030 ban sticking to be honest.  I think it's just virtue signalling. They have put zero thought into the MAHOOOOSIVE electrical demands on the power stations, and about the same lack of thought into the thousands of charging stations required.

Anyway, keep the GTI.  It's more than capable of sticking with modern stuff and putting a smile on your face  :happy2:

Always like your views Pudding. I have had the inner wheel arches, door panels and boot lid panels off and Dinitroled the life out of my gti. It has only done 65k and I get the oil changed every 5k miles as I do not think there is a better option for me as a daily 60 mile a day driver.
There is also a lot to be said for a car that does cost a fortune which means you can enjoy putting miles on it and not have to worry too much about where you park it as I know a fair few people with new £30k plus cars that worry about them too much to enjoy them to their full.

I also have a classic 911 for weekends and that has helped me not get bored with the gti. I guess some people may miss the status of a more expensive car but that really is a losing battle as there is always going to be someone that has a better car than you and I also think the mk5 gti is classless as you only have to walk around the back streets of Chelsea and Knightsbridge to see them parked up outside the £2 million houses.

I do sometimes think about a mk7 gti but unless ULEZ changes in London to make the mk5 a chargeable car I will be sticking with what I know and love.

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2020, 05:53:58 am »
Timpy X - you're not wrong fella.  It's always the way isn't it.  Force something onto the public and fix the ignored/unforseen consequences afterwards. 

What makes me laugh is the bullsh1t range of electric cars quoted by manufacturers.  We've moved from ridiculously optimistic mpg figures for fossil fuelled cars to even more ridiculous electric car ranges  :grin:  Case in point - VW ID3 with the 56KWH battery.  VW/WLTP quote of 261 mile range, reality = 180ish miles  :grin:

What electric car pushers aren't telling the general public is - they are woefully uneconomical over winter and on motorways.  Cold temperatures and high speed annihilates battery HVAC etc on top of that  :doh:

As amusing and accelerative as electric cars are, they are nowhere near viable as a replacement to fossil fuelled cars, unless you are a 100% city dweller.  People are too accustomed to pulling over, filling up in 5 minutes, grabbing a Ginsters pasty and carrying on with their journey.  Who wants to queue for a Supercharger space and then sit there for an hour, minimum, refuelling a battery?  Sod that. Well, I suppose you could kill that hour by shagging yours or someone else's missus in the back seat, but if you're on a business meeting and need to be just doesn't work!

Home charging overnight is pretty much useless as well unless you pay a lot of money to the National Grid for a high voltage circuit.

OldGTI - Glad to hear you're a diligent chap  :happy2:  There's no reason why a GTI shouldn't last well past 200K if you put the preventative maintenance in.

As you say, driving enjoyment and carefree ownership are important factors as enthusiasts.  A few years ago, there was no way I would ever buy a Golf R or a BMW 140i as hooded hoodlums would almost be guaranteed to bust your back door in looking for the keys.  Who needs that kind of anxiety over a car?
That's where a nice MK5 slots in quite nicely.  It's off the thieves radar being low value and slow (by current standards, for a getaway car) and the wider public ignore it because it's not some stupid, obnoxious, boutique, crass and pointless SUV that everyone has a hard-on for these days.  It just merely exists for those in the know, which is great  :happy2:  It's 80% of a newer Golf and 100% classless, as you say  :happy2:

It still makes me chuckle when some compost salesman in his Audi A4 diesel tries to push me and my 13 year old Golf out of the way.....ha.....try that again fella  :grin:

What age 911 do you have sir?  If it's a classic, I'm guessing 964 or older? I drove a 993 3.6 VarioRam (widebody import) many moons ago and to me, it felt like the metaphorical glove. Perfectly sized and powered for quick UK B road progress.  The steering feel and structural integrity were something else.  911s are very stout cars  :happy2:

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2020, 09:42:30 am »
Just popped into my local main dealer to have a look at the new mk8 GTi. Is uglier in the flesh than the photos.

Offline wacky

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Re: Next car after your MK5 GTI?
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2020, 04:08:37 pm »
I went for an X4 M40i. Still got my ed30 though not sure I can ever part with my baby !