Thursday - added the timing belt and engine mount
Friday - installed the intake manifold, the rather dramatically named satan bolt was easy to do up with the dip stick tube removed:
lost a 1/4 drive T30 bit out of my set while installing the throttle - hopefully it will extract itself and get caught by the undertray.
Balanced turbo turbines were delivered - just need to line up the markings:
Saturday - turbo rebuild, kept finding it jamming once the nut bolted up, worked out it the issue was I was using the original oil deflector and the diameter was different, once the new deflector shape was adjusted it all went together.
After going to so much trouble it seemed silly putting some 22 month old spark plugs in + I needed G13... so another trip to TPS, surprised the VW have moved to pre-mix - more packaging / more volume / more weight / more transport cost / more cost to end user - bit of a non-environmental richard head move VW.
Bit surprised to see NGK's have been dropped for Bosch:
Got everything installed, filled up oil and coolant and spun the engine over with coil packs disconnected.
Connected up the coil packs and went for first fire - after a long clank it started to splutter and fired up - complete raket - huge manifold leak, I had not seated the turbo correctly! - I shut it off after a couple of minutes.
Sunday - Did a check for leaks in all the joints, pleased to say everything was dry.
Re-seated the turbo required all the manifold bolts loosened - for anyone following me, the key is undo the driveshaft at the box and then gives a lot more room.
All back together again, fired up and it was quiet, no strange noises apart from a ticking from the injectors and chatter from the drive belt tensioner - ran it up to 90 and everything was good.
Never heard the secondary coolant pump running after shut down, inspecting I found a pin-hole leak in the coolant hose next to the pump
Box of leftover bolts - the big 18mm ones are from the turbo heat shield - that I really can't be arsed to fit! I have no idea where the other T30 bolt comes from:
How does it drive - well I had done so much to it just before it ate the drive belt, it does feel very strange.
But it has lost its urgency, I suspect I may be a tooth out in timing - at this stage after 5 weeks I am just relieved it's all back together