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Speedo Clabration
--- Quote from: titchy on November 05, 2019, 08:32:43 pm ---speed camera rules have changed tightened up 2 people I know got done 34mph in 30 north rd. cardiff
--- End quote ---
So 10% + a bit then ;)
--- Quote from: titchy on November 05, 2019, 08:32:43 pm ---speed camera rules have changed tightened up 2 people I know got done 34mph in 30 north rd. cardiff
--- End quote --- grabbers
It's within 5% at urban speeds but the faster you go, the worse it gets. I've seen an indicated 130 show as 120 on the GPS, but that is probably deliberate for forum bragging rights!
The only way to check it accurately is with a Racelogic GPS unit as it uses much, much better telemetry. Phones and TomToms are rubbish. That's why all the car reviewers and race teams use it.
You can change the coding to be more accurate. I did it with odbeleven, go to dashboard / coding / impulse, change the last 2 digits to 07 (which is maximum), my original coding was 0007403 and I changed it to 0007407. The coding is for changing wheel sizes, I'm on 17s, so it corrected the error. When I'm doing 40 on the gps its 40 on my speedo, 68 on my gps is 70 on my speedo.
Good to know :happy2: If it's that accurate up to 70, I think I'm due a ticket in the post soon :doh:
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