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Author Topic: Air con compressor not switching on??  (Read 1107 times)

Offline Heb1802

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Air con compressor not switching on??
« on: November 25, 2019, 08:44:01 pm »
Hello, recently changed my air con condenser, pressure switch and a damaged pipe had the system rebased yesterday and is holding pressure as it should according to the garage, however the compressor won’t kick in now.

Have plugged in the VCDS and there’s no fault codes that come up however it’s saying there is no pressure in the system still. Therefore the compressor is stuck on ‘compressor shut off mode - 3’ and  not powering up.

Is this just the pressure switch I’ve fitted being a faulty one out of pure bad luck? Any ideas what else this could be? Any other tests I can run on VCDS? does it just need to be reset such as basic settings etc?

Thanks guys