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North West RR day...

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Perhaps folk who are interested should post saying as much and depending on numbers, we could try and arrange a suitable venue and date...

I'd be up for this, any idea on a date?  :party:

id be up for a DD rollers aswell,

To be fair to Awesome, when Dynojet attended the UK-MKIVs RR day probs 18 months ago and recalibrated their rollers beforehand, everyone put out exactly what it said on the tin on the day. At both stage 1 and stage 2 since mine's been pretty much as expected.

Also on the day their old MKV dropped a fair bit of power/torque from previously claimed, they were quite pragmatic about it rather than making excuses.

I know they get some stick, but all their faults elsewhere aside they do run a really good dyno day. Jim's taken the lead on doing them now, he loves dubs, always has and always will and no matter what software you have, he'll treat your car as enthusiatically as his own. I'll never hear them knocked for that side of their operation.

echo ^^^^^ the same, jim is a good guy and loves his cars and would and does go out of his way to help u if needed  :smiley:


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