hoping the MK5 collective can help give me some pointers please!
The front suspension on my GTi seems overly harsh and very crashy, on some surfaces banging/thumping harshly as it feels like the tyres are doing the work of absorbing impact not the shocks etc... I suspect my car has been lowered at some point in its past (springs are red) but I feel it should not be as harsh as it currently is. The back end feels more compliant and doesnt bang and crash over bumps.
If it ever stops raining, I will check what I can for any obvious movement, all bolts being tight etc (subframe, droplinks, control arms, top mounts etc)
Are there any obvious suspects to check first or to replace as either preventative maintenance or good practice? Top mounts? certain bushes?
Mileage is nearly 120K so I do expect some items will need refreshed - where should I start?