Hi Andy have one for a year and I'm delighted with it mainly use it during the summer keeps the hot sun off the red paint which fades in prolonged sunshine... Used in during the winter months and never had any moisture issues with it and boy do we get rain here in Ireland ... Had to remove it when the wind picked up quite a bit though. It's heavy and well put together it's made from layers of breathable fabric and is completely waterproof this ain't your argos type of cover I haven't noticed any scratches to the paint work... I always washed and dried the car before I put the cover on... Its not cheap but it's a quality cover https://www.stormcarcovers.co.uk/collections/volkswagen/products/vw-car-covers?variant=18418111045Sent from my xXx_NoLimits_9.3 on GM1913 using Tapatalk