That's pretty good!
Bloody mayo all over the oil cap and in the rocker cover. Damn those short journeys over winter!
Mines the same with mayo in the winter, what pi55es me off are the guys like Calvins car diary on you tube that say that its deffo a head gasket failure with mayo on an oil cap. 
Yer I no what you mean about these car youtubers... I’ve had people in the past come to look at cars I’ve been selling and quoted what a youtuber has said for something
Mayo on the cap can be an indication of head gasket failure but it would never put me off when viewing a car.. time of year, what journeys the car has been on recently, how long it’s been sat etc can all cause condensation build up which can then cause mayo.
How the car is running, what does the coolant and oil look like, what’s it like on cold start and what’s the temp gauge reading are the things they should be telling there viewers too look at.