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Author Topic: does your Rev G Diverter Valve stick?  (Read 844 times)

Offline muff1991

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does your Rev G Diverter Valve stick?
« on: December 20, 2019, 03:45:28 pm »
Hi All,

Since the stock map has been put back on, my Rev G Diverter Valve does the pshh through gear changes and off throttle which i'm cool with (far better than the screechy flutter i had before).

i noticed recently though when i accelerate slightly and then back off the throttle its like the DV is sticking half open, so if i accelerate 50% throttle and back off to 20% throttle you can hear it whistling.. its defo the DV sticking half closed. (or half open however you wana look at it) if i then put my foot down it seals back up or if i let go it stops whistling.

i thought the DV was an ON/OFF solenoid.. so there should be no slow return or backing off closed with 20% still engaged. Don't get me wrong, this is not much of an issue at all, i just wondered if anyone else gets it.. I've never noticed it before on other TFSI motors, is it normal? sometimes too the DV doesn't psshhh as sharp and quick either, it longs out the psshhh slightly lol

i'm getting a little rev hang so i reckon i have an air leak somewhere and/or possibly a boost leak, so maybe this has something to do with it?

Cheers all :)