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Author Topic: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?  (Read 18192 times)

Offline ub7rm

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2010, 04:01:17 pm »
Pretty sure that's the case, but air-con also works in heat too...... it's the dehumidifying process that then clears the screen quickly (although this is what I have been told)

Dan :happy2:

But if the compressor isn't on due to the external temperature then there is no AC, no dehumidiying, nada.  Except damp air should the AC have been on the night before say.
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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2010, 08:07:22 pm »
I totally agree with your comment. Makes sense to me, but like I said, my comment was based on what I was told :stupid: wierd.

Regardless, when I press the demist button though, the econ light goes off, therefore suggesting that the aircon is on...... as to what it is actually doing.... well, that's a different matter  :grin:

All I know is that the screen clears almost instantly....

Might post this question to Teutonic Tamer on - he seemed to have a mechanical insight to most things VAG.... unless there's people on here who are with knowledge (not saying you're not, ub7rm!! :happy2: )

Interested to see how it actually works - in idiot terms..... I'm an "end-user"  :wink:

Dan  :grin:

DA Productions

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2010, 08:54:10 pm »
Might post this question to Teutonic Tamer on
When he's about, he hangs around both here and over there. He's not been active for a while.

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2010, 08:56:52 pm »
When I press the demist button, I turn the AC off. I see no reason why it needs to be on.
The windscreen always seems to demist for me pretty quickly - much quicker then my previous car.......

Offline ub7rm

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2010, 10:34:05 pm »
I totally agree with your comment. Makes sense to me, but like I said, my comment was based on what I was told :stupid: wierd.

Regardless, when I press the demist button though, the econ light goes off, therefore suggesting that the aircon is on...... as to what it is actually doing.... well, that's a different matter  :grin:

All I know is that the screen clears almost instantly....

Might post this question to Teutonic Tamer on - he seemed to have a mechanical insight to most things VAG.... unless there's people on here who are with knowledge (not saying you're not, ub7rm!! :happy2: )

Interested to see how it actually works - in idiot terms..... I'm an "end-user"  :wink:

Dan  :grin:

In warm weather (above 5 Deg C) when you press the windscreen button the ac will come on, in cold weather the econ light will still go off but the compressor clutch won't actually engage - the ECU doesn't command it to.  When the ac clutch engages, you will hear a gentle thunk and the idle revs willl change slightly.  When the ac is in 'self protecting mode' the light will go off, but there will be no thunk or change in the revs.

Its actually easier to see the revs dropping back when you switch the ac off rather than see them go up when you switch it on.

Don't worry, I know I'm no substitute to TT.  He's not been around for a while, I think he's like the borg, needs to regenerate before unleashing a storm of tech on us all  :signLOL:
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2010, 07:27:23 am »
LOL - thanks the explanation  :congrats:

Dan  :happy2:

DA Productions

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2010, 08:15:57 pm »
assimilate...!!!  :jumpmove:

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2010, 11:34:03 am »
Fitted a new Pollen filter over the weekend.....I'll let you know how it goes. Only took 10 mins to do the whole thing. The old one was such a mess, totally clogged up with leaves, twigs and what looked like dust from a vacuum cleaner..... hopefully the change to a new one will help with the misting / de-misting issue....... fingers crossed.
Update.....after a couple of weeks I can really see an improvement. Had to de-ice and de-mist this morning. The de-misting still took approx 2 mins to clear the whole screen, but this is against a 5 minute wait with the old filter...a real improvement. This clearly does make a difference. Also since changing had no ice on the inside of the windscreen. A cheap fix all round.
Cheers ! :happy2:

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #53 on: December 22, 2011, 05:08:39 pm »
I have applied Rain X Anti-Fog to the inside of the windscreen about 4 weeks ago and have not had a misted window since, very happy with it and would suggest trying it. There has not been heavy frost yet so will see how it performs then. Cheers  :santa:

Offline DonalM

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #54 on: December 22, 2011, 08:25:19 pm »
I have some of this stuff en route:,31784.0.html

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2011, 09:50:27 pm »
I used Rain X Anti Fog recently and think it's awful, probably worse than not using it, it may reduce the fogging a little bit but instead it makes the whole windscreen really wet which means you get horrible water marks/runs running all down the glass it actually impairs vision, glass looks so dirty when it dries up too. I think Rain X is good stuff, not impressed by this Fog X stuff though. :sad1:
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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2011, 11:14:51 pm »
Not helping but my old Clio used to clear in about 10 seconds!!
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