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Author Topic: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?  (Read 18201 times)

Offline jmspear

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2010, 07:39:30 pm »
You are getting water / damp somewhere inside the car and this is causing the acute condensation. I have the same problem on my 55 plate GTI with 80k on the clock, chucked away the pollen filter, left the holder blank and this helped but prob still there. No problem on my ed 30 which is much newer, same morning same start procedure everything. Had made a mental note to check all the drain holes which are prob blocked with leaves etc and leeting some water into the heating / air con system which is causing loads of condensation.

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2010, 07:46:16 pm »
True enough on COLD, but surely on heat settings (25 degrees upwards) it works.......
No. They're talking about external temperature. When the weather outside is less than 4*C, the air conditioning won't function. This is irrespective of the temp you set the aircon at.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

Offline sambo

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2010, 07:57:09 pm »
If you get into the car wet or damp then whack the heating on, all the moisture will leave you clothes etc and stay in the air inside the car. If you don't open the window slightly on the journey it will stay inside. Then when the air temp cools as it sit's there overnight it will condensate onto all the cold surfaces, mainly the windows.

So you need to remove the moist air at some point to stop it happening over and over again, aircon will do this but so will opening your window a touch even if it's cold and raining outside. Only has to be an inch or so down.

If your anything like my misses (not being sexist) then you'll get in the car then whack the heaters onto MAX and cook yourself all the way home. This won't help  :grin:  

Worth a go  :happy2:

Failing that, your letting moisture in overnight or when it's stood, which could be an issue, but unlikely I would say.


Offline DanoGTI

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 08:00:24 pm »
It's not dirty, I clean the inside fairly regularly.  I use Wendolene on it but surely that can't be why it doesn't clear?  I have also used Autoglym Fast Glass on it before and it's been the same.

Does Wallace know that :laugh:

Ba Dummmmmmm..........TISH!!!

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 08:29:27 pm »
True enough on COLD, but surely on heat settings (25 degrees upwards) it works.......

No I'm pretty sure that regardless of what temp you want inside the car, if its below 3.5 deg c outside, it remains switched off

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2010, 08:32:34 pm »
Righto, it's just that in my Scoob, the aircon would work to clear the screen (granted, it was air con and not climate control).........

Having said that, I know that when I press my "screen" button, the system goes off "econ" mode and it clears very quickly.... regardless of temperature.....

Who knows?  :happy2:


DA Productions

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2010, 09:38:59 pm »
Why not try throwing in one of those little bags which absorb condensation often found amongst packaged electrical goods, etc.

You know, the ones with the small little beads in a sachet... btw I'm serious.

Offline scotta

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2010, 10:24:10 pm »
Mines was a bit like that when i bought it. Change of pollen filter and it was sorted.

One of the boys at work had the same problem with his audi - said as soon as he turned the aircon off it steamed up. So i asked have you changed the pollen filter at which point he looked like this  :confused: and said the pollen what? So i said ill show you where it is after work. Took it out and it was BLACK!! dont think it had ever been changed since 2002 when the car was built. He got a new one that night and said its been fine since.

Offline dajonic

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2010, 10:48:21 pm »
If its been serviced recently, apparently some of the filters(pollen especially) are i pig to refit and fitters have been known to bodge it with the time alotted for that specific job. A bad fit lets in moisture and can worsen the problem you're experiencing. If you use the recirc button to speed up warming up the air in the cabin all you're then doing is recirculating the moist air. Get the filter checked/changed and in the mean time crack the window/sunroof open a touch. Hope it gets sorted.  :happy2:

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2010, 12:12:43 am »
I regularly got a bit miffed at this issue in my Mk4 constant misting as soon as I got in during winter/spring, dunno' why....

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2010, 01:03:16 am »
had the same issue's with mine,i changed the pollen filter and it has been fine since then :smiley:

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2010, 06:55:55 am »
had the same issue's with mine,i changed the pollen filter and it has been fine since then :smiley:
........think  i will get one.Are they really a pig to change as posted above ?.
ED35. Standard factory condition.

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2010, 08:53:16 am »
Hey, GolfGirl, I have the exact same problem on my 56 plate GTI. Infact this morning when I went to de-ice the car (Minus 3 overnight) I had ice on the inside of my windscreen as well. It took me ages to clear the ice and demist. One of the problems that I have is that my jouney to and from the station is relatively small, so the inside of the car never really gets warm. (neither does the oil - leading to mayo under the cap, but that's a different post). I'm going to try the pollen filter change as soon as I can and see what happens. Also I've tried keeping all the vents shut overnight, but this doesn't seem to help. I may just have to try and burn off any moisture that is in the car after my journey home. Another solution could be to hold my breath all the way home...meaning no moisture from me in the car !!! :laugh: I used to have a mk 4 with the eaxct same demisting issues, however' I've also have a v6 Passat and never had a de-misting issue....clearly VW can make a car that de-misits what's wrong with sorting this out on a Golf ! Not impressed with VW on this one....... :mad:

Offline scotta

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2010, 08:56:33 am »
If its been serviced recently, apparently some of the filters(pollen especially) are i pig to refit and fitters have been known to bodge it with the time alotted for that specific job. A bad fit lets in moisture and can worsen the problem you're experiencing. If you use the recirc button to speed up warming up the air in the cabin all you're then doing is recirculating the moist air. Get the filter checked/changed and in the mean time crack the window/sunroof open a touch. Hope it gets sorted.  :happy2:

Pollen filter is a 5 mins jobs requiring no tools. its under a foam cover in the passenger footwell held on with two thumb screws. Once you remove the foam cover slide the plastic cover to either the left or right then remove the filter. Chuck the new one in and refit the covers. Job done!!

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: Why does the windscreen on the Mk 5 take so long to clear?
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2010, 09:10:23 am »
New filter on my next rest days.  :smiley:  :happy2:
ED35. Standard factory condition.