All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

A few pics of my ride

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--- Quote from: Beddie on January 05, 2009, 08:21:00 pm ---Looks great mate!, i remember admiring it at the PSI open day couple of months back, in fact yours inspired my mate to have his Graphite one colour coded on the rear valence  :smiley:

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Cheers mate, i remember speaking to your mate, i gave him billyboys number to have it done. :wink:

some great looking motors


--- Quote from: wigit on January 06, 2009, 10:16:25 pm ---some great looking motors

--- End quote ---

Cheers mate :happy2:

Lovely car mate , your old S3 was stunning !  8)

Just caught up with this thread......your old cars are lovely! As everyone says, that S3 is stunning!

I look forward to seeing what you're gunna do with the GTI!  :smiley:


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