You seem in fairly good spirits about it! I think I would be performing my own 'stop and search' of local scrotes with a baseball bat 
Car theft is far from over. Everything in life goes in circles. Remember high performance cars being uninsurable in the 90s due to joy riders stealing hot hatches etc? Well apparently keyless entry cars will face the same fate as of next year! That was one big f'ck up by car manufacturers, pandering to peoples' laziness and insatiable appetite for convenience.
It's the same old story unfortunately. Leave absolutely nothing of value in the car, and that includes easy to sell on ebay RNS510s. It's one of the reasons I sold mine and put a standard base spec radio back in, and just use the phone for nav 
Yeah i think i would be doing if i wasn’t trying to keep positive. I didn’t even want to drive it home I was happy to die of hypothermia on the car park lol! But yeah its one of those things, i’m paying an extra £60 a month now to park somewhere more secure. Grim but needed, just weird that I parked my a3 there for 2 years without trouble but saying that it was the 63 with the screen that folds away. & i’ve heard the sat-nav in mine is top spec (4 buttons either side + aux).
Hope you haven’t suffered the same fate as me buddy
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I haven't yet, thankfully. I live in a low crime area but I'm a vigilant & pessimistic person by nature, and I think like a crim

Thieves target VAGs and German cars in particular, especially with Shark Fin antennas as it's a dead give away for NAV radios. Good RNS radios fetch 500ish on ebay, so it's a good market for them. In all honesty, I don't miss my RNS510 at all. I use a Bluetooth dongle thing for audio and my phone for Nav. Thieves look in my window and see a crappy old RCD310 and jog on

Glad you found somewhere safe to park it mate, even if it costs you a few beer tokens