been looking at the BSH ones and they seem to be getting good review so might be next on the list if i can ever get hold of Dubtek
....The thing is though that BSH don't make a proper Lower Engine Mount - They only do the side mounts. BSH offer a dogbone but it doesn't offer much improvement.
It's the Lower Engine mount which delivers the most significant power transfer benefits and you can feel it immediately after installation. Also, the VWR 'Fast Road' Lower Engine mount doesn't transfer engine bay sounds nor light buzzy vibrations. I know - I've ran it on its own and now have all 3 VWR mounts.
Mat will confirm whether the VWR solid 'Race' Lower Mount transfers any sounds/vibes or not - Mat?
Stokey, do you now have just the VWR 'Fast Road' Lower Mount? Are you feelin' any vibes, man?