I’d take a look at the cam follower, pcv and dv if they’ve not been changed. You’re lucky having a 57 plate checking the cam follower is much easier. Mines a 55 plate and the banjo bolt is a fiddly b*****d to remove, luckily your doesn’t have that.
Also, with the pcv while the cars running pull out the dip stick a little if the engine starts to sound like its going to stall and goes rough your pcv is fine, if you pull the dips stick and nothing happens then you would need a new pcv.
The dv requires you to either get under the car or go through the wheel liner, you will need to check it for any splits etc. It is not something I have got round to doing yet on my car. I’m sure someone else will be able to give you a better explanation on how to replace it.
Also timing chain and timing belt if thats not been done recently either. One last thing would be the oil pick up pipe; this requires taking the sump off and I would do it just to be on the safe side. This is another thing I’ve not got round to doing yet, bought the part a few months ago but the weather up north isn’t the best for working on your car during these months.
These are most of the important things covered and most are quite straight forward to check. Theres plenty of videos on youtube and information on forums about all the bits I’ve stated so take a look for a better understanding.
Hope the info helps mate

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