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Author Topic: K04 Low Down Torque  (Read 5130 times)

Offline flimsyfarmer

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Re: K04 Low Down Torque
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2020, 08:34:36 pm »
@Pudding : Ah! Thought there must be some truth to the upshift in Manual. Great to hear that it can be mapped out though!
I'm still keeping an eye out and the 'SemiAuto/Automatic' box is ticked now - thinking a DSG ED30 may just be the way to go...
Hmmmm........... colours........... !!!!!!!!

Thanks again for your input  :happy2:

just to throw my 2p in, the DSG in the mk5 will auto upshift, normally just past 6.5k rpm. they can be a little jumpy in auto in traffic around the 10mph mark as it cant decide if it wants 1st or 2nd but this normally goes away once warm or if you just put it in manual and hold it in 1st.

hope this helps.