Well it's the end of month 2 of owning the GTI and I'm now officially sliding down the slippery slope into modifying oblivion!!!

Here's the story so far....
The day I picked it up, the snow was so bad a 20 mile journey took over 2 hours and the M62 was more like a rally stage than a motorway. It is a 2006 model with 44k on the clock with pretty much standard spec, I think the only option is the leather. This is it just after I got home:

I promised myself I would drive it standard for a few weeks so I could evaluate how each modification improved it, but I booked it into Awesome for an oil change 3 days later and one of these just happened to get fitted at the same time. It made the gearshift so much nicer as it feels more solid and I much prefer the shorter throw.

More to come...