Says the same in my book as well - at 120k miles, but to be checked at 60k.
Personally, I think the dealers are scare mongering in order to get more money out of us.
I'll probably get mine done at 4 years, or around 60k miles - whichever comes first.
My mate has an 05 GTI. He drives it HARD all the time. - Just had his belt changed at 65k, and had no worries at all.
I had my cambelt & water pump changed a few months ago. The car is only just 3 years old and has less than 30,000 mile under its belt.
Had a discussion with the service guy and a VW technician about when it should be done next. Their answer was in 1 year !!! at 4 years old.
"Ye, but its only just been done......!" I said that was crazy Is there a shorter interval after the cambelt has been changed?
I think it was your first person that screwed you over. This second dealer, who is saying it needs to be done at 4 years, is correct. You had your belt changed a little too early at the 3 year mark, and your miles are also too low to have had it done. Nevertheless, now that it has been done, the second dealer should accept that it doesnt need doing again.
Personally, I think you should be good for another 4 years (so when the car is 7 years old), or at around the 80k miles point.