In retrofitting my RNS-510 a few months back, like the tit I am, I scratched the climate control fascia panel quite noticeably which was pretty upsetting.
Being bit of a perfectionist (where its possible), I replaced this (£130 from the bay) with one from an R32.
Perhaps even worse, at the weekend I scratched the replacement while fitting my MDI USB arm rest interface DESPITE having a tea towel to protect it, knowing it would be in the line of fire when facking around with the cables at the back of the RNS
Anyhow, I'm over its appearance as it's not *too* bad on the currently fitted one, but bad enough to pursue a repair!
Is there anything I can do with the original fascia (pictured), i.e. is the OEM paint or a scuff kit available?
Where it's all bobbled is where I made a shocking job at touching it up
Bit of a fail all round...
If anyone's willing to have a crack at getting it looking like new, I'd be happy to sort them out with a gesture payment for their time