Moog are popular in the states but not everyone is especially complimentary of the quality. They're another Dorman type competitor.
For heavy metal chassis parts, I always stick to the dealer. I can't be arsed to be go under there again to replace the same part 12-24 months down the line.
More and more I am sticking the dealer these days anyway because of all these 'Autodoc' and 'Buycarparts' online companies offering 50 million choices of the same part, from weird brands like 'Meat and Doria', wtf? It's so obviously knock-off crap from China.
If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Plain and simple.
i have good chats with my dealer also, especially when it comes to laughing at the £390 VW want for a new gear knob and gaiter

VW would rather set fire to all of these dusty old parts than let customers have them at a discount. I mean, really? 12 year old parts still going for full retail? And crazy retail prices at that. It's bonkers.