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Author Topic: HELP ....MK5 3DR GTI KEY FOB AND CENTRAL LOCKING ISSUES ?  (Read 859 times)

Offline Malexi

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« on: July 17, 2020, 09:04:54 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I am the proud owner of a pretty tired Mk5 3dr GTI 2.0 FSI. This car is in need of some serious love,  From what  know it was not driven for 4 years prior to me purchasing it and it had a flat battery.  I switched the battery out for a new one and changed fluids, filters etc and the car runs pretty good now.

Anyhow when i purchased the car it came with only one key and when i press the fob I get no response.  indicators do not flash and car does not lock/unlock.  If i put the key in the drivers door lock and turn key fully to right and keep open button pressed the windows wind down.  When i lock the car with key in  drivers door lock, the lights flash to signal alarm setting .  If i have windows open and  turn key to left  and hold it there, car sets alarm and  any open windows will wind up and close.

With regards to the alarm the strange thing is that the alarm sets and if the set the alarm off the horn does not sound,  The lights just flash.   I think this might be just a failed horn which may need replacing.

Anyhow back to the lock issues,  when i actually unlock the drivers door  the passenger door does not unlock, so in order to unlock passenger side, I  need to get in the car to unlock it.  This is when it gets really crazy....the only way to unlock passenger door is  to put key in the ignition, and turn car on and run the car for 5 seconds and then press the lock button on the drivers door, then turn the car off and pull the key out of the lock .  As soon as i do that, i hear all the latches unlock, passenger door, drivers door and boot.   

Furthermore, the other issue i have is that after i drive the car for like 2 minutes the car automatically locks doors.  Then if I press the lock/unlock button on the drivers door, it only locks the doors.  When I press to unlock it is unresponsive.

Finally the other thing that i noticed is the car does not switch off when i turn the key to the off position.  It actually only turns off when i turn key fully to the left ,and only once i pull they key out of ignition barrel.  Is this normal ? 

Anyhow apologies for the detailed explanation of the symptoms above,  but the question I have is..... are all these issues interlinked?  Does the key-fob not work because of these central locking issues or are both issues separate? 

Does anyone have any tips for how to troubleshoot all these issues to find the source of the problems and fix them ?

I done a bit of reading online and i am wondering if it is the CCM that is causing this? but before i purchase one to switch it out I thought id ask to see everyone's feedback.

I also do not have access to Vag-com and but am willing to purchase a freasonably prices  scanner/diagnstic tool if anyone has any recommendations.....

Please let me know your thoughts...on all the above and i truly hope someone can help me solve these issues.



« Last Edit: July 17, 2020, 09:17:54 pm by Malexi »

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« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2020, 04:33:04 pm »
Stuff like that is usually caused by a defective door module and/or a severed wire(s) in the harnesses that pass through the A pillar from the door.  Years of opening the doors causes metal fatigue and a wire can break.  Unclip the rubber belows from the A pillar (it's a plastic slidey thingy), pull it back and see if any of the wires look a bit iffy.

It's best to scan it for faults first before filling your basket with parts.  I only use VCDS, so I couldn't tell you what other scan tools are capable of I'm afraid!

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