Hello all,
Following an outing to Tesco, I got in the car to reverse out of my space and the car died on me. Tried to start it but wouldn't fire up. Considering I was between the space and the road, I had to put it in N (DSG box) and push it back in. Anyway, tried to start it, but it wouldn't fire up. Must have tried half a dozen times. The engine turned over but wouldn't start. Got the RAC card out to give them a call and thought I'd try it one more time and low and behold, it started.

I thought it might be some crap in the system, so gave it a bit of a 'rag', but I am still a little worried. It struggled to start again on Friday, but this time it did fire up. I looked on the net, on here and other forums and people in similar situations had problems ranging from puel pump sender, fuel pump, ignition coils and ECU...... the list goes on. I thought the best thing would be to go to a garage to run a diagnostic via VCDS to see if anything appeared, where the cheapest was £30 for the job. Have looked on the VAGCOM register but no one is in Bristol or close by as I don't want to drive too far.
The question I need to ask is has anyone had a similar situation?. My car is an '06 MK5 GTi with DSG.
Another question is has anyone used an alternative to VAGCOM (VCDS) to get the error codes?. The price of the cable at present is a bit expensive for me, so I am looking to an alternative rather than taking it to a garage. An example of what I have found is at
http://www.gendan.co.uk/category_145.htmlAny thoughts would be appreciated.