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Author Topic: Cam Chain/Camshaft Adjustment value/Block 93  (Read 756 times)

Offline RedSwede

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Cam Chain/Camshaft Adjustment value/Block 93
« on: August 19, 2020, 02:19:21 pm »
I just bought an OBDeleven dongle (finally, after owning my Pirelli 12 years...) to diagnose the AC (0 Bar pressure. Oh dear!)

Anyway, when prodding around, I thought I remembered there was a way to check for cam chain stretch - or at least the resultant bank mis match. Just to be clear - the car is on 69k miles, and has zero rattle hot/cold/driving/tickover. This is a fairly academic thread!

Going to block 93 on OBDeleven - with the car not running - it already shows -3.00 degrees. OK. Not super, but OK - guess that is from the last time it was read.

Started it up, but the idle was of course too high. So I took it for a drive, pulled over, and fired up OBDeleven, checked again. This time, it is in idle criteria, and reads -2.00 degrees. Hmm - odd.

Going home, I decide to stop the car, restart it, and measure one more time. Now -1.00 degrees. I do this 2 more times, -1.00 every time.

I think it is clear, due to low values and no noise, all is well. But is it good as new (-1.00) or probably going to be a bit rattly in 20 or 30k miles? Maybe a warning that this measure is far from a 100% gauge.

Offline pudding

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Re: Cam Chain/Camshaft Adjustment value/Block 93
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 02:31:06 pm »
All good there  :happy2:

It will move around a bit as the VVT takes up the slack but you never want to see more than -5KW.  Mine was -3KW cold and 1 or 2 hot like yours after changing the chain, so yours is bang on  :happy2:

It’s not really an issue until higher mileage but frequent oil changes of decent oil will always slow engine wear right down  :happy2:

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline RedSwede

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Re: Cam Chain/Camshaft Adjustment value/Block 93
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2020, 02:46:03 pm »
Oh that is reassuring. At least I only need to fork out for the AC... Will probably sweat it out until service/MOT time in late September - don't want to jinx any remaining summer weather  :grin:

I always used to have it serviced with Long Life oil every 10k (8-10 months) when it was new. Now I just take it to the nearest VW specialist every year (about 4-5k) - not sure what they use, but it's to VW spec and good for 5k I'm sure. When I changed the cam follower at 60-odd-k miles, it was almost like new - the black stuff was maybe a bit thinner in the middle, but not at all worn through.

So yes, I think oil changes make all the difference. :happy2:

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Re: Cam Chain/Camshaft Adjustment value/Block 93
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2020, 03:24:04 pm »
Just had mine regassed and an anti-bacterial blast through today actually  :smiley:
Worth doing every 2 years to keep the pump well lubricated  :happy2:

Yours could just be the infamous pressure switch? If not, the gas made a successful bid for freedom  :grin:

I’ve run Mobil 1 0W40 in mine for the last 6 years / 80K miles (VAG 502 approved).  Similar to yours, the engine and sump looked new when I inspected the oil pump and pick up pipe. Nice to see on a 146k mile old engine  :smiley:  Normally these engines are caked in a dark brown varnish on long life/skipped services.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D