I approve of your commitment!
Why thank you...
Now I better come clean...it's going to be for a Mk5.5

But I am not aware of any fundamanetal differences...although my copy of ETKA is a shade too old to allow me to verify everything.
Apart from fancy dampers and a half-arsed attempt at an electronic LSD (Ha! - posh traction control) it's just a Mk5 in a differend suit.
Yeah, I think there's an elipsical bolt in there for small adjustments. I'm still gathering parts at the moment to convert mine, so haven't seen with my own eyes. I have got the alloy hubs though.
Certainly the 8L alloy arms there was (10-12mm slot)...and enough meat for those confident with a round file to get another 3-4mm without breaking into sweat.
Your settings sound fine to me, your front toe is accounting for the WALK/poly front bush?? as you'll get little or no extra movement accelerating.
I'd be happy with a little toe out, and no changes.
I have run 4 mins toe out per side...but that's a tad lively in the wet!
I think 2 mins toe out per side will liven up the steering and give a little confidence, without going bonkers.
I'll have to play though...
I'm just looking for a starting point to begin with...this 'modern' VW stuff is new territory for me.
I think I'll investigate S3 arms/balljoints and the WALK kit.
Are S3/TT arms the same?
I'd be tempted to buy and modify the arms to elongate the balljoint slots, ready the WALK kit and see about Poly Bushing the other arm mount at the same time.
That should give me long enough to have some meaningful tyre temperature data and have played with the tyre pressures.
A Golf is no Type R in terms of lift off oversteer.. mine slides nice and progressively and only when I induce it with similar set up (although I run a fraction toe in), the missus drives it occasionally and I don't want her in a hedge!
My ITR was steady as a rock, and utterly predictable, even on JDM dampers, Eibach springs, Mugen 'big' ARBs and Comptech adjustable front arms (swapped over to give massive caster gains) and could be lift off oversteered on the track, wet or dry, slicks or wets...
However, a wet February morning combined with mud on the road resulted in the mother of all 'tank slappers' and one wrecked ITR.
I set my cars up a little more benign now.