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Author Topic: Mk5 gti fuel cut wierd  (Read 972 times)

Offline Boosteen

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Mk5 gti fuel cut wierd
« on: August 31, 2020, 06:58:18 pm »
Hi all, iv had my 57reg Mk5 gti 2year now and since iv had it iv been getting what feels like fuel cuts every now and then it feels like im hitting a brick wall and the revs drop for a split second and then everything back to normal it can happen anywhere within the rev range or when on idle, sometimes it does it a few times a day sometimes none, no codes or nothing, iv changed spark plugs, coil pack, fuel filter, and a fuel sensor still no difference. After reading about the cam follower today iv inspected it and it does look slightly worn like it wants replacing the hardened coating has worn off, so i am going to change this on the weekend could this be the problem? Upon inspecting the follower inside the cup hollow part of it there was what looked like a 5 pence peice sitting at the bottom of it, is this how they come or is this some sort of mod a previous owner has done to try and strengthen it? Thanks appreciate all replies

Offline Jb55

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Re: Mk5 gti fuel cut wierd
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 09:54:48 pm »
Any pictures? Could be the end of the fuel pump plunger that’s come off, definitely shouldn’t be anything inside the cam follower