I've come from 2 Scoobies (via a collection of BM's and other odds n sods) to an Edition 30.
IMHO the car is a good compromise.
Will it have the grip and absolute power of the scooby? Nope.
Is it more comfortable? Well, it's more comfortable than the scoobies I had.
Is it easy to drive through town? Mines a joy (DSG)
Does it have the running costs of the Scooby? Nope. Insurance much lower and if you drive in the same way I reckon you'll save a good chunk at the pumps too.
That said, the ride is still on the firm side. I think it's fine you have to remember that this is a sporting car on a similar size platform to the Scooby so it is still solid but it's more than acceptable. I do a 100-mile M25 commute and find it fine. However, this is a personal thing. If you want a magic carpet ride go buy an S-Class Merc

It doesn't attract the wrong attention either.
I'm one of those that wouldn't go back. I loved my Impreza's. I still love the sound of them and the way they drive but, in my opinion they've had their day in the sun. When I bought my first one they had a waiting list of over a year and were changing hands for more money second hand than new coss you just couldnt' get them. This kept the image strong and the cars were fantastic. There was nothing that gave anything like the bangs per buck in terms of performance. However things change. When I had the first one and people asked what I drove I'd get nods of approval and respect. Contrast that to their image today. That coupled with quicker hot hatches has shifted the balance in my opinion.
Or am I just getting old?