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Changing Executors on a Will - Any Experts?


Our Will was drawn up about 4 years ago - with mirror wills for me and wifey , passing everything to each other with us as each other's executor, and then after that the main beneficiaries being our two sons, with my sister in law as executor under that scenario.....

However, our boys are now old enough and mature enough to be executors themselves , and I'm bothered that if we were both to die at the same time, say in a car accident, this would leave everything out of their control, so we wanted to do a change to make them executors.... However, the solicitor is saying it will cost just as much to change the name of the executors as it will to just do two new wills. Is this true? Nothing else would be changed...

Any thoughts welcome, please. Cheers

Physically destroy all copies of the wills, and then common law will take the path you are wanting..... as far as I am aware.

Yeah just do new wills.  That's what we did when my Father changed me as executor to his brother in law.

Based on my experience after my Dad passed, please do make one of your sons the executor!!  Nothing creates more of a family rift than money and his sister and brother in-law made things extremely difficult for us. Give control of your legacy to the people you trust the most.

Make sure its done properly my partner died in 2017 this week saw the will being proven in my favour we used a will writing company My new will was written by a solicitor £100 there are so many  pitfalls if anyone contests the will you only need one part to fall out/ My partners sons who contested ended up with a bill of £22000 Be careful


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