A few days ago I was driving my MK5 GTI as all GTI owners should (very erratically) and the check oil pressure light came on. I pulled over to check the oil and let the car sit a little before I tried starting it again. The oil level was fine and after 5 mins I decided to give it a go and it turned over but sounded like a tractor at idle. I decided to drive it regardless and watch the temp to make sure it wasn't over heating. After about 10 seconds the throttle cut out completely and a warning light popped up on the dash (Electronic throttle control.) I pulled over again and tried to start the engine after a few mins. it would not turn over at all.
No check engine light came on throughout the entire process.
After I got it to a garage a few days later I received a phone call from them stating that they do not have a clue what the problem is and that I should take it to an engine specialist for advanced diagnostics as the issue wasn't to do with the Cam belt as expected.
I know its a long shot but I was wondering if anybody has had a similar issue with their golf and what the problem turned out to be.
I have a few theory's one being an intermittent fault with the intake manifold (Tumble flap sensor) but i'm open to suggestions and would love to hear what you think the problem could be.
I know that the only way to know for sure would be to wait until the specialist can take a look at it firsthand but that wont be until at least a week and i'm just shooting in the dark for now until then.
Thank you for your time