This world is full of irresponsible people, and it doesnt require non road legal brake pads to infringe on someone elses safety etc etc etc
Therefore, be aware of the risks, and make your own decisons and take the necessary steps to not kill anoyone, and lets be clear here, these pads are here to help slow us down quicker, fitting them isnt all of a sudden going to make you more likely to run someone over. Plus, it might be illegal in the UK, but in germany it could be fully legal. Does using these pads in the UK make me a bad person, but in german just a enthusiast?
Let common sense prevail.
Now, lets turn this mob onto the numerous "premium car" drivers who fit budget tyres to their vehicles 
No, it's a harmonised standard, so if it's illegal for street use in the UK it's more likely than not illegal in the rest of the EU, and illegal is illegal whatever way you look at it. These pads may help you slow down quicker
under certain circumstances but there are reasons they are not type approved.
Let me tell you as an auto engineer that the various standards are good things that are there for a reason, they have been adopted for a reason, and they should be followed, and noncomplying equipment should not be fitted on a whim because you feel they make you stop better.
I'm not saying that these things will automagically make you infringe upon other people's safety or make you less irresponsible, it's just that 1) they have not been approved for road use for a reason and 2) said reason could possibly one day injure someone.
In my experience common sense has little basis in reality; I rely on good ol' horse-sense myself.
Definitely agree on budget tyre people though
