down the slippery slope to bankruptcy and divorce

After convincing myself that i wouldn't mod my Golf i've started down the long and deadly slope.
It all started so innocently:-
18 inch Monza's - should have come with them anyway!!!
S3 front brakes - safety item so don't count as a proper mod!?!
Xenon headlamps - again safety related (?) so don't count!!
Unfortunately after today's trip to Awesome I can't rationalise the following work:-
Front Neuspeed ARB
Rear Neuspeed ARB
APR Stage 1 Map
Is there a cure to this dreadfull disease or should I resign myself to the fact that I will be living on bread and cheese and sending my kids to work 'down the pit' for ever more?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?