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inters ?
Saint Steve:
Weather Reports looks a Tad Hot on sunday :congrats:
Wind burn last year, heat stroke this year :grin:
kits candy:
do you need tickets for inters or is it pay on gate?is there a site for prices regarding camping there for weekend and gate prices?
--- Quote from: kits candy on June 23, 2010, 10:47:22 pm ---do you need tickets for inters or is it pay on gate?is there a site for prices regarding camping there for weekend and gate prices?
--- End quote ---
....It's now too late to buy advance tickets (cheaper), so you'll have to pay on the gate. Google GTI International 2010 for more info.
I'm really looking forward to this :party:
Ive been working my tail end off for the past few weeks and finally having some time off is going to be utter bliss :pomppomp: :pomppomp:
I'm cruising up with another .:R32 on friday, undecided what time we'll arrive as yet....
is everyone going to attempt to camp together?
if anyone wants to trade mobile numbers feel free to PM me :happy2:
Me and r-kid will be there on Friday too :laugh:
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