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 :grin: well spotted Mr BMW!  :wink:

was nice to meet some of you today  :happy2:

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: vRSy on June 27, 2010, 08:24:42 pm ---come on guys, publish all the qtr mile times, for us non  attendee's, along with excuses if required :grin:

at Jonny, thats insane, thast quicker than an arial atom to 60 what were you terminals??

--- End quote ---

Not to sure how accurate the times were to be honest as, to me they seemed inconsistent, this was my best time, but i am sure i went faster on my third run but only got a 14 dead.  :smiley:

Anyway not going to argue as this time represents  7/10th's of an improvement over last years time.  :chicken:  :pomppomp:

This was done the second PG had kindly fitted the ITG, There felt like a massive improvement in power once fitted. My butt dyno says at least 20 BHP.  :jumpmove: 

And here is a quick video (Thanks to Greeners  :happy2:).

Not my best run of the day but still I beat the custom code car  :P

Well chaps,here I am in Sicily on a glorious night, sipping bono and thinking of Saturdays show. Steve Jr managed a 4.45 to 60 and a 12.77 qtr on Sunday,showing that even with a full interior the car is very fast. I cannot deny that I am slightly disappointed with the NOS on its first outing, but the terminal speeds of 120+ mph shows it has the legs, if not the launch.....yet. maybe a100 shot is the order of the day at the pod.  :evilgrin:


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