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Author Topic: ABS + ESP + Steering Lights ON - Intermitent No Communication with ABS Module  (Read 1187 times)

Offline miniyou

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Hello all,

I have been here for a while looking at the knowleadge that is within this forum and it has been very helpful. I am from Spain, so maybe I will make some grammar mistakes, so excuse me in advance!  :fighting2:

Right! The problem I am experiencing is an issue with the ABS pump. This problem comes normally when starting to move with the car from a standstill. If I launch a "bit" hard it will most likely come on... Basically I get the 3 lights but in different scenarios:

1st - I get the 3 lights but if I switch off the ignition, they come off but not always, some times they come on after i start the car again, but they always tend to turn off. The Error I got on VCDS is:

Dirección 03: Frenos ABS        Etiquetas: EST\1K0-907-379-MK60-F.clb
   N°. de Parte SW: 1K0 907 379 AA    HW: 1K0 907 379 AA
   Componente: ESP FRONT MK60      0102 
   Versión: 00H13001   
   Codificación: 0004738
   Nº Taller: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 71E3880668A913C759-8024
(I have translated the errors to the best of my capabilities)
2 Errors Found:
16353 - Control Module
              014 - Defective - Intermitent
01309 - Control Module steering (J5)
              004 - Sin Señal/comunicacion - Intermitent

2nd - I get the 3 lights on but they wont go away. VCDS can´t communicate with the ABS Pump. To turn them off, I cleaned the long connector on the ABS Pump and after that VCDS can connect with the Unit. This scenario only happend once while "launching" the car with the traction control off on a rainy day.

This is the info I could extract from the ABS Pump:

                Dirección 03: Frenos ABS
Nº de Parte de la Unidad de Control: 1K0 907 379 AA
  Componente y/o Versión: ESP FRONT MK60      0102
           Codificación: 0004738
            Nº de Taller: WSC 01279
                      VCID: 71E3880668A913C759-8024

Identif. avanzada
     Identificación: CTA-000
     Versión: 00H13001
     Fecha: 19.02.06
     N° de Puesto de Prueba: 0112
     N° de Fabricante: 4919
Estado Flasheo
     Intentos Programación: 0
     Intentos exitosos: 0
     Estado Programación: 00000000
     Condiciones requerid.: 00000000
     Código Herram. Flasheo: 00000 000 00000
     Fecha Flasheo: 00.00.00
     N° Hardware: 1K0 907 379 AA
Info VCDS:
       VCID: 71E3880668A913C759-8024
       Etiquetas: EST\1K0-907-379-MK60-F.CLB

What the hell is going on in here? Can anyone shed some light? Maybe I have a connection problem? grounds? power? fuses?

If a replacement of the ABS module is recomended, what is the compatibility between units? I currently have a module with the PN 1K0 907 379 AA could this be exchanged with a 1K0 907 379 AE for example? If so, after installing I will need to code the second hand unit but my unit has a short code "Codificación: 0004738" and the coding i have seen online is for long coding... Are there 2 different ways of coding for these ATE MK60 units?

Sorry for all the info packed in here, i hope it´s easy to read and that you guys can help!

Thanks in advance!

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No one had the same problem?   :driver: