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Author Topic: A bit lost with the Revo switch...  (Read 1443 times)

Offline gazjones

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A bit lost with the Revo switch...
« on: April 02, 2010, 12:06:31 pm »
Hi all,

New to the forum, but thought I'd ask your advice...

I've just bought a MK5 Golf, with Revo Remap already on it. The bloke I got it from told me that standard was 0, and the remap was on 1. When I bought him, he set it to 1 for me, and I was going to take it off (try to up the MPG a bit!!). So I switched it to 0 as he said, plugged it in as he said, turned on ignition but not start it as he said, waited for the beep, turned the car off. When I turned it off though, the engine light came on!

Now I've probably done something wrong, I've tried setting it back to 1, using the above method, but the light is still on.

Does anyone know if what I've done is right/wrong? A mate pointed out that theres a key on the back (which I didn't realise) and 0 says communication, I just went on what the bloke said. Could this have knackered it up?

Any advice would be great  :happy2:



Offline chungster

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Re: A bit lost with the Revo switch...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 12:43:56 pm »
0 is communication mode for when u use the switch wiv laptop

1 is stock mode

2 is performance mode

and if its select plus u have performance maps A / B / C

process is switch ignition on for 10 secs, but don't start the car.

plug the switch into OBD port.

it'll now send the new instruction to the ECU

then it'll start chirping in multi tone to say job done!

then u can pull it out, and switch car off.

now u can restart the car and with whatever new settings u have on the switch.  :happy2:

Offline gazjones

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Re: A bit lost with the Revo switch...
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 02:06:22 pm »
Cheers for that. I've managed to put it on the remap (it wasn't even on before) all fine and dandy. However the engine light is still on, I've spoken to Revo and they say theres no way the switch can bring on the engine light but it has. Will I have to have this tested to see what the issue is?  :confused:

Offline Poppa Dom

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Re: A bit lost with the Revo switch...
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 02:28:46 pm »
Whereabouts are you located? Have a look at the VCDS (VAG-COM) user list to see if there is someone near you who is prepared to read scan the car, read any fault codes, give advice and remove the CEL for you  :happy2: If you're down south near Berkshire/Surrey/Hampshire boarders than I can do that for you.
