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Author Topic: Guide or best way to change v12 from always live to live with ingnition  (Read 1006 times)

Offline ExtraSauce

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Hello Golf peoples,

I have a 05 golf and for some odd reason they made the v12 socket always live in these earlier models. Just wondering if anyone has a guide or know the best way to change this to only live with ingnition? It's really annoying having to remember to remove stuff from it after every journey!


2005 GTI (Stage 2 - 280Bhp, Forge Twin Induction Kit, Forge Short Shifter, RS4 Alloys, R32 Rear & Exhaust Straight through to backbox)

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Re: Guide or best way to change v12 from always live to live with ingnition
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2020, 09:59:18 am »
I think best place would be the ignition barrel, but it's quite messy: you have to remove the steering wheel to access the barrel, then solder in there, and take a cable to the radio... I'd say it is not a good idea. Other places to get ignition signal are the fuse box, air conditioner or the cigarrette lighter, but none of these would work as expected, at least in my car (lighter is always "live"; air conditioner does not work when the key is in "lock" position; and i have no fuse where voltage drops when removing the key from the barrel). That being said, last of these options, the cigarrette lighter, would be the easiest one.
Other suggestions are welcome!