If you want something that ticks everything out the box and will leave it that way then the R32 is a great choice; grip, noise, power, comfort and the weight makes it very stable and safe as you well know. Ive had ago in an ED30 recently and wasnt keen as i didnt like the interior, lack of grip, lack of low power and the noise was a bit boring for me after the R32. I was hoping to love it and was looking to get one on finance with views of modding but now it felt like a step down after the 32 (im sure ill get slated for that) Others will be the exact opposite (as above)
Its down to personal choice, you may be better off with the standard MK5 GTI over the Ed30 as some prefer it; faster spooling turbo, cheaper to buy etc
Get which suits you and what you use it for, all three are superb cars, im still watching mk5 R's on the net as i miss mine so much i cant explain

Good luck with it mate, its a choice you cant lose on!