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Author Topic: Hello All  (Read 1400 times)

Offline GaryG

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  • its not broke but im sure i can fix it better
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Hello All
« on: October 20, 2020, 07:53:32 pm »
Hi folks Im gary and recently moved from a mk4 v5 to a mk5 gti.

so far its been mapped had a 3inch decat added and that,s about it.

I must confess my reason for joining now is that I have developed a fault in which the actuator arm has sheared next to the wastegate leaving me with a lot less performance than desired. a little research shows that this isn't unheard of but many people don't document much in the way of a repair. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of hopefully just replacing the rod or at most the full actuator with a standard part.

vehicle is a 2006 56 plate GTI with AXX engine code.

Thanks in advance, Gary