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Author Topic: Clutch won't bleed and pedal to the floor  (Read 5494 times)

Offline Dave4597

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Clutch won't bleed and pedal to the floor
« on: September 30, 2020, 11:47:07 pm »
Hi I was fitting a new clutch kit to my car and got it all done. Then I started to bleed the system manually and the pedal is still to the floor I used a pressure bleeder and set it to 2 bar and opened the nipple fluid came out and drained about 200ml but still no pedal then done it with the engine running and with the pressure bleeder on 2bar and it worked pedal was coming up normally but as soon as I released the pressure from the bleeder it went back to being on the floor, took the gearbox back out and fitted the old slave cylinder just to test if the same thing would happen and yes same scenario I followed vw elsa procedures to bleed the clutch and still nothing. No leaks at all anywhere. I had the clutch pipe clamped when removing the gearbox. Maybe it wasn't tight enough and let air into the master cylinder? Has anyone came across this before I have been trying to bleed the clutch for 4hrs and nothing is working so far anyone able to give me any suggestions before I bleed the master cylinder

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Re: Clutch won't bleed and pedal to the floor
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 07:56:01 am »
You will need to bleed the brakes also as it is one circuit and it sounds like there is air in the circuit

Then with VCDS run an ABS test to activate the pump, then bleed again.

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Offline LC5F

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Re: Clutch won't bleed and pedal to the floor
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 08:29:50 pm »
Reverse bleed works better for clutches, instead of fighting the air bubbles you push fluid from the slave upwards pushing the air to the reservoir  - you just need an old fashioned pump oil can and some hose to the nipple - this you tube video explains:

Offline mk1mad

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Re: Clutch won't bleed and pedal to the floor
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2020, 08:35:24 am »
Yes reverse bleed works a treat.
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